- Supreme Court sends message to Federal Circuit with case remand (Alison Frankel’s On the Case) (Patenly-O)
- Consumer Financial Protection Bureau lets loose new rules on entities that do no banking (Blog of Legal Times)
- The problems of bringing class actions alleging online privacy violations (Class Action Countermeasures)
- Is taking on a federal agency an effective way to sell pomegranate juice? Guess we’ll find out (CBS News)
- Facebook goes public, the imminent securities fraud class actions ensue immediately (D&O Diary)
- Pennsylvania Supreme Court issues stunning unanimous verdict against plainiffs (lawyers) in asbestos case on junk science grounds (Drug & Device Law)
- Senate tacks on tons of amendments to FDA Safety and Innovation Act prior to final passage (FDA Law Blog)
- Consumer Product Safety Commissioner speaks out against her Commission’s use of the Precautionary Principle when regulating (RegBlog)
- Europe, U.S. natural gas producers (and exporters) thank you for your countries’ hydraulic fracturing bans (Bloomberg)