- Fannie Mae . . . Freddie Mac . . . Federal Infrastructure Bank? (Cato-at-Liberty)
- Kicking off the fall season: Kevin LaCroix’s annual top 10 director & officer liability issues (D&O Diary)
- Another federal trial court gets it wrong on medical device preemption (Drug & Device Law)
- Hello Boston, Jefferson City, Hartford, Charleston, and Little Rock, we’re from the EPA, and here’s how we think you should do “smart growth” (Shopfloor)
- Commentary on Jeppesen Data Plan state secrets ruling, and a welcome to the blogosphere (and our blogroll) to Lawfare (Lawfare)
- Documenting the current and future growth of FDA (Eye on FDA)
- The number of Supreme Court cases that could end deadlocked this term: 21, the number from which Justice Kagan has recused herself (Blog of Legal Times)
- That Dodd-Frank/SEC whistle(blower provision) is getting quite a workout (law.com)