- Beware “tech” companies: A judge may use your tech savvy against you if you violate federal discovery rules (New York Law Journal)
- Does search and advertising giant’s entry into “free” phone services raise privacy regulatory issues? (Computerworld)
- A hostile legal environment means “the next big thing will not be invented here,” says Intel CEO (CNET)
- SCOTUS’s Honest Services Fraud rulings have immediate impact (WSJ Law Blog)
- SEC expands shareholder activists’ power. Prof. Larry Ribstein wonders, “now what?” (Truth on the Market)
- Wal-Mart asks SCOTUS to hear appeal of its 9th Circuit class action loss (SCOTUSblog) (WLF’s 9th Cir. amicus brief)
- A $38 quadrillion lawsuit? Really? (Overlawyered)
- Court rules in key battle between generic and branded drug makers over bioequivalence (FDA Law Blog)