• EU drug regulators serve up product lawsuits on a silver platter; will FDA be next? (Reuters)
  • Prof. Josh Wright writes why “CARE Act” proposal would create new antitrust exemption in alcohol sales world (Truth on the Market)
  • Judge grants prosecutors surprising leeway in Honest Services Fraud case (Crime in the Suites)
  • The end of private RICO suits against allegedly unlawful off-label marketing? (Drug & Device Law)
  • Story of the 700,000 application backlog at the U.S. Patent Office finally told in the “mainstream media” (Patent Baristas)
  • A Ninth Circuit revelation: No stock loss means no securities fraud class action suit (SEC Actions)
  • Shocking trial lawyer fraud alleged in Chevron court filing in overseas suit (Shopfloor)
  • FDA notice-of-violation and warning letters on big uptick, especially for promotion (Eye on FDA)